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Now, replace any digits to the right of the 8 8 with zeros. So the 7 7 in the tens place becomes an 8.

Because 6 6 is greater than or equal to 5, 5, we increase the digit in the tens place by one. So, for example, to round 76 76 to the nearest ten, we look at the digit in the ones place. If it is greater than or equal to 5, 5, round up. If the number is less than 5, 5, round down. To round a number to a specific place, look at the number to the right of that place. Now that we have looked at this process on the number line, we can introduce a more general procedure. So, 75 75 rounded to the nearest ten is 80. So that everyone rounds the same way in cases like this, mathematicians have agreed to round to the higher number, 80. Is 76 76 closer to 70 70 or 80 80 on the number line?įigure 1.9 The number 75 75 is exactly midway between 70 70 and 80. Suppose we want to round the number 76 76 to the nearest ten. Using the number line can help you visualize and understand the rounding process. The place value to which we round to depends on how we need to use the number. Had we rounded to the ten thousands place, we would have 19,650,000 19,650,000 as a result, and so on. Had we rounded to the one hundred thousands place, we would have 19,700,000 19,700,000 as a result. 20 20 million was achieved by rounding to the millions place. Numbers are rounded to a specific place value depending on how much accuracy is needed. The process of approximating a number is called rounding. The word approximately means that 20 20 million is not the exact population, but is close to the exact value. It might be enough to say that the population is approximately 20 20 million. Census Bureau reported the population of the state of New York as 19,651,127 19,651,127 people. The total weight of an aircraft carrier is 204 204 million pounds. Counting numbers are also called natural numbers. The notation “…” is called an ellipsis, which is another way to show “and so on”, or that the pattern continues endlessly. The most basic numbers used in algebra are those we use to count objects: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … and so on. The more you use the vocabulary, the more familiar it becomes.Īlgebra uses numbers and symbols to represent words and ideas. You need to practice often until the vocabulary becomes easy to you. You start with a basic vocabulary and then add to it as you go along. Learning algebra is similar to learning a language. Identify Counting Numbers and Whole Numbers