So that great new Retina you bought for your collection has lost it's rewind button? Here is what you need to know.
How to replace a missing Kodak Retina rewind button Zeiss Ikon film? It's amazing what turns up.Synchro-Compur shutter assembly animation.Pentax 50mm f1.4 Super-Takumar dismantling instructions.Links to some useful camera-related sites.Honeywell Spotmatic II with mirror lock-up.Accessing the shutter in a Mecaflex camera.A brief history of the early Braun Paxette cameras.
Pentacon FM instruction manual in German (pdf).Agfa Solinette II Instruction Book (pdf).Adventures with a 'parts or repair' camera.Some of the secrets to using a Kodak Retina.Retina Stereo Adapter brochure, in German (pdf).A cut-away model of the Retina IIIc camera.How to change the speed film setting on the Retina Reflex S or IIIS.A quick guide to using a Retinette II (Type 160).A few of the many Kodak Retina lenses & accessories.Kodak Retinette type 017 instructions (pdf).Kodak Retina II type 122, instructions(pdf).Kodak Retina Ia instruction instructions(pdf).Kodak Retina I type 126 instructions (pdf).Kodak Retina I type 119 instructions (pdf).Kodak Retina I type 118 instructions (pdf).Kodak Ground glass adapter instructions.Kodak Retina R-type close-up lens instructions (pdf).Kodak Retina N-type close-up lens instructions (pdf).Kodak Retina Close-up Rangefinder instructions.Kodak Retina and accessories instruction books.Usual things found during a typical service of a Retina IIIC.Stripping down a Retina Reflex S, and reassembly!.Causes of shutter-cocking rack failure on the Retina IIIc and similar models.Is it worth getting my camera repaired?.Finding the camera parts you need for your repairs.Kodak Motormatic 35 service manual (pdf).Kodak Retina Automatic II parts list & service manual (pdf).Kodak Retina Automatic I parts list & service manual (pdf).Kodak Retina Reflex III service manual (pdf).Kodak Retina IIc, IIIc and related models parts list (pdf).How to repair the front door stand on a Retina camera.How to strip and reassemble the focus mechanism on the Retina Ia and IIa.

How to CLA the Prontor or Vero shutter of a Retinette 1A (pdf).How to strip-down and service the Synchro-Compur shutter (Kodak Retina Ia or IIa).How to check the retard gear train (Synchro-Compur shutter).How to clean the rangefinder on a Kodak Retina IIa camera.How to remove the top cover on Kodak Retina Ia & IIa cameras.How to remove the top cover on Kodak Retina II camera.How to assemble the Retina Ia, IIa film advance lever and frame counter.How to adjust the rangefinder on a Retina IIa.My "How to" repair guides for Retinas & Retinettes.You’re unable to balance the retard-friendly easy mode F2-using A-moving protoss race, but maybe you can at least do this, eh? Or is this too much for you to handle, too, down there, between two sexual harrasments. Please remove this abject atrocity from existence or at least move it somewhere else (say, under button “go to replay” or smth) or at least make it have a warning confirmation screen. Not only that, but, even more, there is no workaround, since there are no hotkey shortcuts for loading (i.e: opening the saved files list). Not only does it serve no purpose, but it also doesn’t come with a built-in warning, like the regular Quit button does, to save you from your own fingers’ innacuracy. Have been playing custom campaigns like Odyssey, which are many times over better than the bliz campaign and which bliz doesn’t have the decency to make available in the game arcade section.Įvery time I want to load a previous save, there is a small risk of hitting this perfectly useless button that exists for no reason at all.