Powerful chat interaction - receive messages that drive your well-being Participate in wellness and step challenges Capture wellness activities via bot chat or by uploading pictures or screenshots Any which way leaderboards - see dynamic leaderboards across multiple activity types

An end-to-end platform that provides tools for employees to stay healthy, track their own wellness data, and have access to other health benefits, all in one experience. Employees also get access to online primary care visits and mental health via our telehealth services. Creating wellness programs within seconds has never been easier with our Human Resources friendly analytics that supports strategic organizational development, employee engagement, and employee experience goals. Employee Wellness by Health Hero is the only product in the marketplace that brings a fun layer of gamification by delivering healthy competitions, a variety of leaderboards, and personalization to create a unique employee or member wellness experience.

This app is accessible from your browser, tablet, and smartphone. The application brings your team and peers together in a fun and healthy environment that drives health outcomes in students and members, while driving culture, increased productivity, and improved recruitment & retention. Employee Wellness by Health Hero allows groups & teams of any size to create fun and engaging wellness activities and step challenges.